Tales Of Asia

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thought for the Day

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.

-- Albert Einstein

Monday, August 27, 2007

New Online Business

After ten long months of development my autobiography/memoirs service that I created 4 years ago is finally online and has a shop front that steps people through a process that allows them to create a biography on someone they love or, alternatively, create their own autobiography.

The new website site allows a person to make a documentary video production to tell the life story of someone, a mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, friend...whoever you choose.

The new site is at http://www.enduringmemories.com.au/

Please take a look and let me know what you think.

(Oh, and by the way, I know there are a couple of spelling mistakes on the site and I will fix them in the next revision)

Until next time, this is Tales of Asia saying "Support Your Local Planet”

Thought for the Day

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving.

A good artist lets his intuition lead him wherever it wants.

A good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is.

-- Tao Te Ching

Friday, August 24, 2007

A Spiritual Experience - Little Things

On Monday I went to a meeting at lunchtime in a room at a local Church in Garden Road Hong Kong.

The meeting was just a group of people meeting for a common purpose, nothing religious even though It was being held on a church property.

Just before the meeting began a few of us entered the room and a butterfly flew in the door with us. The meeting started and the butterfly flew around taking some peoples attention including mine. When the meeting finished the attendees left and the butterfly was promptly forgotten.

Now, on Wednesday I needed to be back at the same place for the same reason and at the same time. Running early I entered the empty room and noticed the butterfly sitting on a window sill at the rear of the room.

I looked at this butterfly and thought Hmmm, this little guy has probably been stuck in here since Monday. Must be a bit lonely stuck in here all by himself (if in fact it was a him). I wondered if Mrs Butterfly was missing him and wondered if little kid butterflies were missing dad as well.

Wandering to the back of the room I cupped my hands and gently guided this little guy into them trying not to squash him in the process. When he was safely in my palm prison I wandered back to the entry door and though How do I get the door open without letting this little guy fly away? Negotiating the closed door while not letting Mister Butterfly escape back into the room I stepped outside and opened my hands and watched as Mister Butterly flew away. Free at last, off home to his butterfly family.

I wouldn't say I'm a very religious person by any stretch of the imagination but I do know a spiritual experience when I trip over one. Sure lifted my spirit.

Until next time, the is Tales of Asia saying "don't forget to wipe".

Observations on Life - Elevator Safety

The other day I was in the Wanchai MTR station on Hong Kong Island.

While I was there I saw a young lady with yellow T-shirt with the words "Elevator Safety Ambassador" in large black print on the back.

Apparently this girls job is to watch the large screen TV screens while texting her friends on her mobile cellphone while commuters push and shove and trip down the escalator behind her

I want a job like that.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Womens Beauty Products - A Comment

What is it about women's cosmetics? What is all the buzz about the latest and greatest skin products all about?

Here's what I am talking about. I was in the IFC Mall in Central, Hong Kong the other day and was walking past one of those really expensive looking boutique shops in the main section of the mall which indicated that the products will also be very expensive.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think I saw a new wonder product advertised for women's skin that included things like peat moss, squashed up toad's legs, bats semen, typical garden compost, all mixed together with a wonderful fragrance added so that the ladies don't actually smell like they've been sleeping comatose under a rubbish bin for the past week.

Apparently, the ladies plaster this stuff all over their face and it is supposed to make them look years younger and much better. Now, that might be the case for certain women out there, but I'm sure it doesn't have any effect on some of the others. This new wonder product was advertised as the better than sliced bread, newer than new, better than best, the never to be bettered again skin revolution product. Apparently, women will never, ever need to use any other skin product ever again.

Now, I'm not arguing the claim of the advertiser, nor am I doubting that trowling this stuff all over a person's face might actually make them look better, but what I am a questioning is, whatever happened to last year's new (at the time) wonder skin beauty product for ladies? If I'm not mistaken, over the past years I have seen similar advertisements all the time, but for different products. So, how come this latest beauty product that I saw emblazoned across advertising banners in the IFC Mall last Saturday is the best one yet? I thought the best one was last year's one, or the year before is one, or the year before that's.

Maybe I'm just a dumb Australian male who knows nothing about women's beauty products. Thank God.

Until next time, this is Tales of Asia saying " don't forget to wipe".