Tales Of Asia

Monday, May 25, 2009

May Update

It three weeks since my last 'confession' here so I thought I'd better do the right thing and provide an update as to what's going on. I have also started writing a journal again. I had a long and lengthy journal that contained all my deepest darkest secrets on my Hewlett-Packard laptop but all that information was lost when the Hewlett-Packard the laptop decided to die last October. Worse than seeing the blue screen of death on the HP laptop was finding out later that the information that was supposed to have been backed up automatically by that laptop on a separate disk drive over the past months leading up to October was also completely destroyed.

Anyway, what's been going on in May? In summary, I had to apply for an extension of my Hong Kong Visa and that took some time. Had some nice relaxing times going up to Shenzhen on the mainland on weekends for nice food, shopping, tailoring and the fantastic 3 hour massages. Simply bliss. In addition, there were a couple of prestige jobs that I needed to get organised. One is for the opening of a new casino on Macau and it appears that I will be going over there this week and staying for one month.

Last Friday night I went to the ballet in the Cultural Centre at Tsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong. The event was billed as a gala night of the stars with dancers from all over the world including England, Europe, and America alongside the Hong Kong Ballet company.

It was a really fantastic night and some of those international ballet dancers are just wonderful. In particular Steve McRae from the Royal Ballet is going to be a superstar. I thought it was nice that he is actually an Australian like me.

I also found it amusing how the " American superstars" were made up of a Chinese lady and an Australian man. Doesn't America have any ballet dancers of note?

Anyway, The night was simply fantastic and I'm looking forward to going to the Ballet next time.

Other than that it's been life as usual. That's all for now. until next time, don't forget to wipe.......


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