Tales Of Asia

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April Update

Greetings truth seekers,

Once again it has been a long time since I have written here and my only reason is because I like to use dictation software rather than typing. Up until last October I was using a Windows-based laptop and Dragon NaturallySpeaking VoiceType software so it was easy for me to leave posts here. When my laptop broke down in October I purchased an Apple Macintosh and only recently bought MacSpeech Dictate to use on it, so here I am again.

Life here in Hong Kong has been reasonably interesting over past months. The world economic crisis has certainly had an effect in many of the places that I have visited. It also has had a negative effect on some of the projects that I was about to start around the Christmas period. All of them were either postponed or cancelled at that time, and some of them are only beginning to restart now. So, it’s been a bit of a frustrating time.

Looking at how our business is performing, it is going fantastically in Australia but slow in Asia although I am hoping that will change soon.

Musically, I am still enjoying playing and putting the occasional song on my You Tube site for people to have a laugh at.

Creatively, I submitted to pieces of writing for assessment for publication in a short story book here in Hong Kong. This is the first time I have ever submitted my work to the public arena. Nobody could have been more surprised than me when I found that one of my stories had come equal sixth, and the other story ninth in the top 10. The book is due to be published here in Hong Kong in June.

In a volunteer sense, I have been enjoying mentoring some guys here although, that can have mixed rewards. Most of the guys that I try to help appreciated for just that, help. I enjoy giving my help if it is asked for and I want nothing in return but to see that person develop into a better person. If I can be part of that process than that’s fantastic. One guy however had a change of heart and after asking for my help on a daily basis for the past six months, he suddenly had a change of heart and decided that he wanted no more of my help. Instead of detaching from me with care and respect, as I would normally think might be the appropriate way, this gentleman decided to attack my character and me. Now, I might be a reasonably accommodating type of person, but I don’t take kindly when people attack my good nature. This guy’s last lesson therefore was on how to treat people with care and respect, not to take them for granted, nor to expect that they would be really available at any time of the day when the other person called. The lesson I also learnt from myself was to be a little bit more selective when agreeing to help people who ask me for assistance.

Travel wise, I haven’t been too many places since Christmas except to Shenzhen in southern China and also to Macau a number of times. The travel bug is hitting me again and I am currently attempting to plan a quick trip to Taiwan, Korea, Shanghai, Beijing, Xian and back to Hong Kong all in a short period of time. Stay tuned for more on that.

Culturally, I still continue to practice my extremely bad Cantonese but I still try.

Health wise, I had an interesting experience lately. I started becoming dizzy and falling over, losing my hearing, and experiencing a sensation of being seasick even when sitting still. I went to the doctor’s and found out I had something called Meniere’s Syndrome that is an inner ear infection that has symptoms as I described above. I was prescribed appropriate medication to clear up the inner ear infection and all is well now. It was an interesting experience albeit inconvenient at the time.

I am not sure what the universe has in store for me in the future. I can feel the pull and push forces at work, sometimes telling me that my experience in Asia is over and it’s time to move back to Australia. At other times, I feel that the universe is telling me that I need to stay in Hong Kong but simply to move from the apartment I currently live in. I will wait and see what develops.

Anyway, that’s it for now, a reasonably quick post just to stay in contact. I hope your life is going well and that the universe is presenting you with something good each day.

Until next time, don’t forget to wipe…….



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