Tales Of Asia

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Observations on Life - Attack of the Killer Pot Plant

I have a Filipino domestic helper who comes for a few hours each week to do some housekeeping. She is a lovely young woman named Jo Anne. She is always happy and cheerful.

My house is fairly clean and tidy but still needs some of that detailed cleaning that I never want to do. Each week Jo Anne comes and cleans the bathrooms, dusts the place and does some ironing.

Today I walked into my living room and Jo Anne was standing there, back to me, legs spread slightly apart, bending over slightly and leaning forward, with the straw brooom raised horizontally in front of her. On the low table in front of her was a small pot plant.

I made an offhand remark and enquired as to whether she was defending herself against the pot plant. She burst into hysterical laughter and tried to tell me that she was just getting some stuff off of the end of the broom. I said "oh......" but inside I knew what she was really doing. After all, pot plants can be very dangerous to deal with. Right?

Until next time, this is Tales of Asia saying "Don't forget to wipe".


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