Tales Of Asia

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Observations on Life - Hong Kong Mass Transit Rail System

Today I was following my usual routine and around 4:30 p.m. I went to catch a train from Hong Kong station under Victoria Harbour in the subway system one station away to Kowloon MTR Station next to where I live.

Whilst I was sitting down at the drivers end of the train waiting for the train to depart, I noticed the train driver approaching carrying his bag ready to take up his shift. He was a young guy, perhaps 35 and dressed in an MTR Corporation uniform. I noticed a golden wedding band on his right ring finger.

When the train arrived at Kowloon Station, I got off the train and a number of other people naturally got on. As I was walking towards the escalator I heard the electronic Chinese and English voices from within the train warning people to stand away from the doors and then I heard and saw the corresponding train and platform doors closing.

At the same time I also noticed a young Filipino domestic helper with a young boy come off the bottom of the escalator and walk towards the train doors just as they closed. I could see that they were the only people on the platform of a station that was perhaps 300 m long. It appeared as if they would have to wait a while for the next train.

Train drivers of MTR trains in Hong Kong have an override button to override the automatic door opening and closing systems for trains. I have seen the train drivers use the override system from time to time when there is a malfunction in doors opening and closing.

As I walked towards the escalator I expected to see the train depart the station but instead I saw all of the doors on the train open again so that the Filipino domestic helper and a young boy could get on the train. The train driver didn't have to open the doors, he could have simply just pushed the lever to make the train depart the station.

Perhaps his action and gesture could be seen as not very energy-efficient, might not be seen as environmentally friendly due to the wasted energy of of perhaps 30 pneumatic and hydraulic doors having to open and close one more time, but gee, it made me feel good.

So, my hats off to you today Mr Train Driver. Good on you for your kind gesture and your random act of kindness. I hope your wife gives you a big kiss when you get a home. You deserve it.

A Star is Born

Over the past week I have watched a particular video clip several times on the Internet site YouTube.

Call me touchy-feely if you will, but see how gob smacked American Idol's Simon Cowell and the other judges of the new show "Britain's got Talent" are when this mobile phone salesman starts to sing.

It's the first time I have ever seen anyone get a standing ovation and rapturous applause from an audience at their first audition.

Paul Potts walked out on stage a nobody and three minutes later was well on his way to becoming world-famous. He went on to win that talent show and within the next month had released his first album and sung on television shows on two continents.

He later commented that he wasn't happy with his performance at the audition because, he said, that his top "B" note at the end was a little weak. Who cares. The guys fantastic!

Check this out..


And then see the judges give him a standing ovation in his semi final


And then, the final performance


I hope that guy goes on to have a great life in a great career.

As the female judge said " a little lump of coal that turns into a diamond"……

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tales of Asia - Quote of the day - July 12, 2007

If you want happiness for an hour — take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day — go fishing.
If you want happiness for a year — inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime — help someone else.

Chinese Proverb